poll commissioned by the Second Amendment Foundation and conducted by
McLaughlin & Associates (download link below) reveals strong
support for the 2nd Amendment in a carefully selected representative
sample of the American electorate. The five charts below reveal
just how strong that support is.
Support for the 2nd Amendment remains strong - even across party lines.
Democrats support for gun control is costing them support from their own base.
Here we see that a strong majority of American voters not only see the 2nd Amendment as something they support - they see it as one of our most important rights. This view is not only held by gun owners (about 45-50% of the population) - but be a great many voters who are not gun owners.
This chart proves that the nation's voters are well aware that current gun laws are not being enforced - and that a majority of voters would rather see the laws on the books enforced than new gun laws enacted.
This chart shows that the voters are not supportive of Pres. Biden's executive orders. They think that IF new gun control is enacted it should be done through Congress.
This last chart shows just how much Democrats have to lose by pushing gun control. In 1994, the Democrats lost control of Congress in their worst defeat in over 100 years. The sitting speaker of the House was defeated. This chart shows that the same outcome is likely should they be foolish enough to pass the gun control laws currently before the Senate.
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Rev. R. Vincent Warde
Support for the 2nd Amendment remains strong - even across party lines.
Democrats support for gun control is costing them support from their own base.
Here we see that a strong majority of American voters not only see the 2nd Amendment as something they support - they see it as one of our most important rights. This view is not only held by gun owners (about 45-50% of the population) - but be a great many voters who are not gun owners.
This chart proves that the nation's voters are well aware that current gun laws are not being enforced - and that a majority of voters would rather see the laws on the books enforced than new gun laws enacted.
This chart shows that the voters are not supportive of Pres. Biden's executive orders. They think that IF new gun control is enacted it should be done through Congress.
This last chart shows just how much Democrats have to lose by pushing gun control. In 1994, the Democrats lost control of Congress in their worst defeat in over 100 years. The sitting speaker of the House was defeated. This chart shows that the same outcome is likely should they be foolish enough to pass the gun control laws currently before the Senate.
Download poll in PDF
Rev. R. Vincent Warde